Abe Fellowship Program
The Abe Fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-range importance and who are willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network built around such topics. The deadline is September 1 annually. If you have any questions, contact
ACLS Public Fellows
The ACLS Public Fellows program will place eight recent Ph.D.s in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two years, beginning in some cases as early as September 2011. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these agencies and receive professional mentoring. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and at the same level as new professional employees of the hosting agency and will include health insurance. Questions about the fellowship program can be directed in writing to
Center for EU-Russia Studies and the Institute of Government and Politics at the University of Tartu (Estonia)
The University of Tartu (the Faculties and the Centre for EU-Russia Studies) acts as a host institution for post-doctoral fellowships awarded by the Estonian Science Foundation (ERMOS and MOBILITAS). It is also prepared to act as a host institution for Marie Curie fellowships awarded by the European Commission (both the Intra-European Fellowships and the International Incoming Fellowships). Prospective applicants interested in a postdoc position affiliated with the Centre of EU-Russia Studies are encouraged to contact Piret Ehin, Director of the Centre, at piret.ehin@ut.ee
IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG), within the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, invites applications for a one-year
IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Research should be pertinent to IMFG’s unique mission as the only institute in Canada exclusively focused on the finance and governance issues faced by large cities and city-regions in Canada and around the world.
The Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program
The Jennings Randolph (JR) Senior Fellowship provides scholars, policy analysts, policy makers, journalists, and other experts with opportunities to spend time in residence at the Institute, reflecting and writing on pressing international peace and security challenges. Senior Fellowships usually last for ten months, starting in October, but shorter-term fellowships are also available. Fellowships are open to citizens of any country. The 2012-2013 application deadline is September 8, 2011. For more information: contact the JR Program at
Minerva Fellowship
The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership (BS&L) at the United States Military Academy (USMA) is seeking a qualified scholar to serve as a Minerva Research Fellow. Minerva Fellows, as part of the Department of Defense Minerve Initiative, are expected to support and develop social science and areas studies research relevant to current and future national security challenges.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in sociology, anthropology, history, political science, Asian or Muslim studies, cross-cultural leadership or a related discipline and possess a significant track record of teaching, research, academic presentation and publication in any of the following areas: Social Networks, Social Media, Cultural or Social Anthropology, Social Capital, or Cultural Diffusion. Applicants should be interested in applying these areas of research to Muslim and/or Asian perspectives and societies.
The application should include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three professional references. The United States Military Academy is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Candidates desiring to apply for this position should send their application package via e-mail to John Willis (john.willis@usma.edu) by the close of normal business on October 1st, 2011.
National Poverty Center Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Research and Training Program on Poverty and Public Policy provides underrepresented scholars in the social sciences the opportunity to spend one to two years conducting research and pursuing extensive training at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. During the fellowship period, scholars will receive stipends of $50,000 per calendar year. Completed applications should be e-mailed as .pdf attachments to
npcinfo@umich.edu by 5PM EST on January 14, 2011.
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences at Dartmouth College is seeking to fill up to two post-doctoral faculty positions in the Center for the 2011-2012 academic year. The post-doctoral positions entail teaching one public policy course as part of the Public Policy Minor curriculum during one of the three academic (10-week) terms. Substantive interests in domestic policymaking as well as in state and local government are preferred but not required. In addition the successful candidate(s) will manage the day-to-day operations of the Rockefeller Policy Research Shop (PRS), a student-staffed policy research enterprise that serves elected officials in the Vermont and New Hampshire legislatures, statewide commissions and local government entities. Management duties include mentoring PRS students on specific projects, traveling with students to testify before legislative committees,commissions, and councils, and soliciting projects from state and local government officials. For more information about the PRS, please visit our website at
Both positions may be renewed for a second year. Both positions include competitive post-doctoral salaries and health benefits with faculty status as visiting assistant professors of public policy (assuming Ph.D. in hand at the time of appointment).
Interested candidates should send a letter of inquiry that discusses the substantive policy interests of the applicant. In addition, we would like to receive a curriculum vitae and a list of three references from each candidate.
Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2011. The search will remain open until both positions are filled.
Please send application materials to:
Professor Ronald G. Shaiko
Senior Fellow and Associate Director
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for
Public Policy and the Social Sciences
Dartmouth College
6082 Rockefeller Center, Room 204
Hanover, NH 03755-3154
Professor Ronald G. Shaiko (
shaiko@dartmouth.edu), Senior Fellow and Associate Director
New England Complex Systems Institute
The New England Complex Systems Institute has funding for postdoctoral and predoctoral research stipends and scholarships starting immediately. Candidates should be interested in contributing to new research topics in our understanding of Socio-economic systems relevant to the economic crisis; conflicts and ethnic violence; social networks and media; international development; and fundamental mathematical advances, such as fundamentals of complex systems; multiscale representations; and network representations. NECSI postdoctoral fellows may also receive joint appointments at MIT, Harvard or other local academic institutions.
NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) International Young Scientists Research Fellowship
This new NSFC Fellowship scheme was launched in 2009 to encourage excellent international young researchers to work for six or twelve months in a Chinese university or research institute. This is starting as a pilot project, with eligibility limited to universities or institutes in China affiliated to the Ministry of Education (MoE) or Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy Research
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy Research program develops and supports a new generation of creative health policy thinkers and researchers within the disciplines of economics, political science and sociology. Each year the program selects up to nine highly qualified recent graduates for two-year fellowships at one of three nationally prominent universities with the expectation that they will make important research contributions to future U.S. health policy.
The application deadline is October 12, 2011, 3:00 p.m. EDT.
For more information contact:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy Research
Boston University Health Policy Institute
Office: 617-353-9220
SSRC Eurasia Program Post-Doctoral Research Award
Post-Doctoral Research Awards (PDRAs) provide research funds to early-career scholars who have been awarded their PhD within the last five years to support the furthering of the work initiated in their dissertations or the launching of their first post-dissertation research project. Applicants will be expected to secure overhead agreements from their institution of employment (for no more than 10% of the total award amount). Research funds may be used for travel, data collection, software, research assistance, salary, or other forms of scholarly development. Applicants must present a clear research and writing plan, highlighting their publication strategy and discussing the policy relevance of the proposed work.
All applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States as of November 15, 2011.
For more information, contact Holly Danzeisen at eurasia@ssrc.org.